Paul talks about his career

Paul’s career began as an apprentice shipwright and boat builder, a field he worked in for 14 years and really enjoyed. However, when arthritis in his left ankle began to impact the physical side of his job he decided it was time for a career change.

“I didn’t want to be working in constant pain and do more damage to the ankle joint”

Over the next seven years he did FIFO work as a work health and safety manager, loving how the job let him travel to remote areas and see some interesting countryside.

At this point, the arthritis in his ankle worsened to the point he opted to have his ankle joint fused. Post-surgery he had eight weeks off, followed by another 12 weeks on crutches.

“This made life in the camp a bit of a challenge, but I found a way to manage.”

Today he is back in the industry he started in, leveraging the skills he has learned along the way to support a business with over 60 employees and a growing client base.

“I’m doing what I enjoy. Building things, solving problems for clients, and doing stuff better.”

His advice for others?

“Don’t be afraid to do what you love/enjoy.”

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Claire speaking at the 21st Australian Conference on Haemophilia, VWD and Rare Bleeding Disorders

Hopes for the Future

Claire shared her personal story as a parent of young boys with haemophilia at the 21st Australian Conference on haemophilia, VWD and rare bleeding disorders. This is a transcript of her presentation.

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