New simple haemophilia testing guide

Unsure about genetic testing and factor level testing in haemophilia and how it works in women and girls? We have published a new education resource, Haemophilia testing in women and girls: a guide to answer these questions simply and clearly.

The resource is aimed at women, girls and parents of girls and uses relatable stories, infographics and diagrams to tackle some complex information in an accessible way.


What’s included:

The guide explores the following topics:

  • Why test for haemophilia in women and girls?
  • Understanding haemophilia
  • How is haemophilia diagnosed
  • Providing a bleeding history
  • Genes and inheritance
  • Bleeding patterns in females
  • Genetic testing and counselling
  • Factor level testing
  • Your diagnosis and treatment
  • Telling others
  • Accessing support

“When I had genetic testing, I went in for the blood test and got the results only a few weeks later as I was due for surgery. I had genetic counselling through the Haemophilia Treatment Centre Director. It helped to make me aware of who else in my family needed to be tested. I was the very first member of my family to have the genetic testing done and to be diagnosed.”

Accessing the guide:

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