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Interstate travel tips

Are you getting ready to travel interstate?


  • Be prepared and plan
  • Talk to your Haemophilia Treatment Centre well in advance, so treatment product, paperwork etc can be organised on time
  • It is advisable to tell the people you are travelling with about your bleeding disorder and what to do if you need help. You never know when or where an emergency might occur
  • Make sure you get an ABDR patient card from your Haemophilia Treatment Centre and carry it with you. This is a wallet card that has brief info about your diagnosis, recommended treatment and who to contact in an emergency
  • Consider wearing a medical alert bracelet or having an ICE (In Case of Emergency) number in your phone
  • Think about how you are carrying your luggage – backpack or suitcase? Choose luggage bags which will not injure your back, shoulder or neck muscles e.g. wheelie bags. If you’re carrying a one shoulder bag, switch sides often to avoid stressing one side of the back or shoulder. You can consult your physiotherapist or Haemophilia Centre for individualised tips on ways to carry luggage safely
  • Take a photocopy of your travel documents and leave them at home e.g. passport, itinerary, travel insurance, doctor’s letters
Date last reviewed: 30 November 2012

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