Items tagged 'Bleeding disorders'

Caitlin Rice is undertaking research projects on VWD type 3 and acquired haemophilia A for AHCDO and will use ABDR data for these projects.
The EAHAD Congress was a stimulating forum to discuss new issues in haemophilia nursing - eg, bleeds with new therapies, women and mild haemophilia.
This session discussed the work of women advocates to overcome the general and longstanding misunderstanding that women are only carriers and do not have bleeding disorders.
The Professional Development Day at WFH 2024 World Congress was an ultrasound workshop, teaching how to detect the presence or absence of a bleed.
Haemophilia Foundation Australia President Gavin Finkelstein spoke with HFA about his experiences at the WFH 2024 World Congress.
It was an honour for me to represent Australia at the WFH General Assembly, the annual meeting for all National Member Organisations (NMOs).
Australia was well-represented at the 2024 WFH Congress as speakers, poster presenters and as delegates. We hear reports and reflections from delegates.
On 17 April landmarks around Australia lit up red to celebrate World Haemophilia Day, with the theme of Recognising all bleeding disorders.
With new treatments being assessed by government in Australia, you will be invited to participate in a few research studies. Why participate?
AHCDO is pleased to welcome Ashley Fletcher as the new Australian Bleeding Disorders Registry (ABDR) Research Fellow.

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