Haemophilia inheritance video

If you were born male and have haemophilia, will your children have haemophilia too?

This is a burning question for a lot of young men with haemophilia but the answer and explanation of why this occurs can be difficult to grasp.

Haemophilia inheritance in males - the short answer (with a little bit of genetics)

We have created a 2-minute video for teenage males with haemophilia who have questions about how haemophilia is passed on in a family. It covers:

  • inheritance patterns for males with haemophilia
  • a short and simple explanation of the genetics involved.

Watch the video

We are very grateful to the young people with haemophilia and their parents and the health professional experts who reviewed the video – particularly the Haemophilia Foundation Victoria youth leaders who gave valuable feedback and advice to help with its development.

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