From the President


President, Haemophilia Foundation Australia

Gavin Finkelstein

It was great to see a lot of our community – new and old faces – in Melbourne at the Conference in August 2023.   Our conferences are a forum that bring together people with bleeding disorders and their families and carers with health professionals, policy makers and industry.  We were very pleased to have Dr Glenn Pierce, WFH Vice President, as a keynote speaker sharing his considerable expertise and an international perspective on new and emerging therapies. We thank all the speakers for a very insightful and interesting conference program and of course our sponsors, without whom the Conference cannot proceed.  

In this issue of National Haemophilia you can read a few of the personal stories that were highlighted at the Conference. We thank everyone who shared their experiences of living with a bleeding disorder or being a parent. The patient voice is a valuable part of our program and many delegates have commented that hearing from patients gives them a very different perspective on clinical management. 

I was honoured to receive the Life Governor Award at the Conference dinner. Thank you – it has been a privilege to serve on HFA Council for the past 17 years and as HFWA President. 

Gavin giving Sharon her award

The time has come to say goodbye to Sharon Caris, who has been our Executive Director at HFA for 22 years. Appointed in March 2001, Sharon’s background in social work, health administration and advocacy has enabled her to support HFA and the bleeding disorders community through many changes over the years. It was my pleasure to deliver the Jennifer Ross Award to Sharon Caris at the Conference dinner in recognition of her dedication and leadership.

We will miss you, Sharon! But we wish you all the best in your well-earned retirement. Thank you for your tireless efforts, knowledge, and wisdom.

Natashia Coco

We are pleased that Natashia Coco has been appointed as the new Executive Director (Acting).  Many of you might know Natashia, who has been with HFA for 20 years.  She is very excited to take on the role and to continue to strive for best treatment and care for the Australian community.  

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