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So, you’ve caught the travel bug?

Don’t worry, it happens to everyone eventually and is curable! Travelling is exciting but it can be a bit daunting the first time. There is no reason why a bleeding disorder should hold you back from having an amazing holiday but… there is lots of PLANNING to do beforehand, so if you are preparing a trip you need to be organised months in advance.


  • Where am I going?
  • How will I get there?
  • How much will it cost?
  • Who am I going with?
  • Do I have a current passport?
  • Do I need travel insurance?
  • How am I going to travel with my treatment product?
  • How much product will I need to take?
  • If going overseas, what is the health care like there?
  • What will I do in an emergency?
  • Can I do my own treatment?
  • Will I need any immunisations before I go – do I need treatment product when I have these?
  • Will I need a doctor’s letter for customs when I take my product with me?


COVID-19 has made travel of any kind a bit more complicated.

When you are planning to travel, contact the relevant authorities and your doctor to find out about:

  • COVID-19 restrictions and requirements about vaccination, testing and quarantine
  • Departure and return requirements for your state/territory as well as the area you are travelling to
  • Any other measures and risks you might encounter.

Some useful websites with information from the Australian Government about Australia and overseas :

Date last reviewed: 18 November 2021

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